The dogs of Kah'ren speak two 'languages'. The one that we understand, and their ancient, first language. This language is known as Canna tongue. It is the oldest language known to dog, and one that they still use regularly. Every dog can speak it. They're even given a name at birth in Canna Tongue. Here you will find an extensive, growing dictionary of all of the Canna words and what they mean. Press CTRL + F on your keyboard to search for a specific word.






Askabi-A dog in the lowest ranks of the clan. A traitor or law-breaker. When a dog becomes an askabi, everyone stops using their name.

Aya!-An exclamation of surprise

Ayou-Lost (like a short small mournful howl)

Akoda- Mountain.

Awali'thi-Dear one.

Aye'humu-Honey (Often shortened to humu)

Canna'a- Ancestors.

Canna'thi- Lone dog. Used to describe a loner or just to say 'one dog'.

Cannirozer-Means 'dog with a name'. In other words, a dog who others hold in high regard.

Dita'du- Tail. Often shortened to simply "dita." Based on the sound of a dog's tail thumping when they wag.

Dita'du Alo- Tail laughs. A happy wagging tail. Tail wags. Wagging.

'E- With


'E pata- Pregnant.

Ele- "With Clan."

Ele'canna- Corporal. A dog can use this phrase to say that they are a corporal or to say that they are a part of ___ clan. "Ele'canna Why'o." would translate roughly to "I am with Why'o clan.

Ele'cannara- Next corporal, or next is corporal. An apprentice - Commonly referred to as cadets.

Eliri- Swift

Elu- Tongue

Erugu- One with a foul mouth.

Emle Grimm- Taken by humans.

Emle Rumblier- Taken by shadows. Means that a dog has gone missing or died.

Far- Song/Howling

Garuru- A loud bark, or a sudden very loud sound.

Grair- Thousand. Also a way to say "many."

Greyo- Thief

Grimm- Humans

Gru-Speak/speaker. To speak or bark.

Haeda- Blood.

Haeda'how- Old blood. A word used to describe dogs whose families have lived with a clan for generations.

Hali- Friend

Hey- Who

Hin- Eye.

Hlei- Found/find

Hu- Fur.

Huff- (A bit like a sneeze) To mark one's territory.

Huffa- (Harder sneeze) The scent of someone's territorial markings.

Ilali-A small brook or stream.

Inona- Stripe/stripes.

Ka- Tall. (Pronounced kuh)

Kahru- Black cloud. (Smoke)

Kef-Up high.


Kuruk- Teeth.


Li- Top.

Li'canna- Top dog. Chief. It is respectful to use "Li" in front of the chief's name.

Lout- A prey animal. Also a way to call someone small or insignificant.

Lo'a- Water.

Ma'aeda- A dog's mate. Often shorted to simply "aeda."


Mali'udu-My heart

Mi'mi- Toy or pup's plaything. Based on some of the first whimpers that young pups make.


Mufar- Hunt.

Mufara- Hunter.

Mukha-An animal's muzzle or nose.

Narr- Heavy.


Navir- Warrior

Nana- Hiding

Nook- Like

Nu- Ear/ears.

Odi- Torn.

Owi Healer

Pata-A litter of multiple pups. Based on the sound of multiple small paws. Same in plural.

Pell- Home

Pell'galu- Home Base - A clan's home and shelter.


Ra'alo- "Next laugh." Taking turns laughing or playing together. Play.

Rahani- A season. A dog can measure their age in seasons.

Rahani'hu- Season Fur. The goddess of the seasons.

Rali'canna-Next top dog. The clan's general. It is respectful but not essential to use "Rali" in front of your general's name.



Rah'ki- Noble.

Ralf- To throw up.

Rama'jai- A dog's strongest skill.

Ran-Poo or stink. Often used as an insult. (Chek'ran, felin'ran, fli'ran)

Rara- Stone.

Rayli- Face.

Ren- A single pup. Also used to describe a single pup litter or the single pup himself.

Ridna- Pelt.

Ro-Someone who is alone. Also, a lonely dog.

Rouf- Pronounced with a growling bark. A term used to describe a dog who hasn't made anything of himself.

Ru- A foot or paw.

Rumblier'e Hali- Friend With Shadows. A dog who has grown old.

Rowilaru-A phrase that means 'stands among clouds'. In other words, a dog that is especially tall.




Sha'aba- Litle wind, breeze.

Snuff- Scent.

Shaska-River or moving water.

Shempsar-Bullheaded. Used to refer to stubborn animals.

Shilah- Sleep.

Skao- Ice.

Tatu'rumblier- Dappled shadows. Spots like dappled shadows.

Tavi-Sharp or angular.

Thithinin- Look twice, as in 'do a double take'.

Tir- Thorn.

U- You. Pronounced 'oo'.

Uma- Belly.

Uru- Sneak.

Udu- Heart.

Udu'hain-Warm heart. (the feeling of being in love)

Wael- Half.

Warri- Danger. (Dangerous - Owari)

Yowie- The sounds a cat makes.

Yip- To call out



Shared tongue is a broken, simplistic speech used between different species. An intelligent animal like a fox or a raccoon might be able to speak Canna as well as their own language, provided that they have learned it. Other animals can share simple words with dogs. For example, rather than saying 'The fox is hiding in the burrow', they might say 'Fox hide in ground!"


Chel- Tree bark.

Eliri'rumblier- Swift Shadow. A deadly flower.

Eewee'ook- Worrywart plant.

Hu'mira- Fur flower.

Inali- Fern.

Inda- Seed/seeds

Katha- Tree.

Zelfa'e Snuff-A skunk.

Kathatha- Leaves.


Likal- Moss.

Mira- Flower.


Tuk- Acorn.

Yanya- Brambles.

Yeli- Berry/berries.

Yowie Yip- Cat Call. (Catnip)


Baeba- Sheep.

Canna'how- Old Canna. Wild canines like wolves.

Canna- The canine species. All dogs, wolves, coyotes, etc. Sometimes the 'wild' dogs will be called Old Canna.

Chek- Rodent.

Felin'how- Wild cats.

Fli- Bird/birds.

Fli'rumblier- Shadow bird. Buzzards or other scavengers.

Bimori- Badger.

Haka- Raven. Based on the sound of a raven's caw.

Haru- Bear. (Pronounced with a growl)

Hassi- Snake

Hassi'il Non-venomous snake.

Hassi'ona- Venomous snake.

Hassi'mukha- Possum.

Jarri- Frog/toad.

Kailo- Bone/bones.

Kah'rayli- Raccoon.

Katha'chek- Tree rat. Squirrels and chipmunks.

Maru- Turtle.

Nini-Muk- Marmot.

Palu-Bison. Spoken in a quick, breathy way, like a sneeze or a snort. Also called "Plu" or "Floo" depending on which region you live. Based on a bison's snort.

Rapha- Fish.

Renna'fli- Bluebird.

Sesasi- Lizard.



Thudu- Rabbit. (Plural, thudi)

Tir'uguru- Porcupine.

Uguru- Wild pig.


Zelfa- A fox.

Zelfa'e Snuff-A skunk.


Aye-eye-A wasp or bee.

Chirra- Cricket

Dira- Beetle


Kanya'flik-Biting bugs like mosquitos.


Rith'r Flik-Fire Bug. (Ant)

Ridna'flik- Night Bug. (Moth)

Ugo- Snail

Yogga- Slug


Elier- Snow

Emlier- Star.

Hain- Comfortable warmth, especially of fire or sun.

Ipidi- Rain, or the sound of rain. Relentless rain is exclaimed as "ipididi!" with more "di" added to say, "on and on and on!"


Kukuk- Cold. Based on the sound of teeth chattering.


Ridna'hin- Ridna's eye. The moon.

Ridna Emre- Ridna Blinks. A moon cycle, or a month. Pups under "four seasons old" are measured by how many times Ridna has blinked for them.

Ridna'kah- Black pelt. The goddess of the night. The night sky. Sometimes referred to as Ridna's Pelt.

Ritha-Fighter. Based on the word for 'fire', so it is also a way to say that someone is fiery.


Rozo-A storm. Based on the name of the god Rot'zo, who created the world in a thunderstorm.

Rozo'ama Akoda- - Storm That Shakes Mountains. (Earthquake)

Rozo'si Miera- - Storm Sky Light (Lightning)

Rozo'Garuru- - Rot'zo's Bark (Thunderstorm)

Renna- The sky. Also the color blue.


Fua- Green.

Jama- Red.

Kah- Black

Lendri-Something that is bright. Also, white.

Reya- Yellow.

Renna- The sky. Also the color blue.

Rona- Grey.


Dio'e Grimm- "Go with man." A way to say that someone is a coward or takes the coward's way out. Also used to say "F-you!"

li'ibo- Top idiot. The biggest of all idiots.

Lout- While its most common usage is to describe prey, lout might also be used as a way to call someone small or insignificant.

Mato'yabi- A foul curse word. An insult.

Mosi'elu-Running tongue. Someone who can't stop talking.

Nahar'elu Clever tongue. Smart alec.

Rien'wael Less than half. An insult for those with mixed heritage.

Rolsch!- Damn! Pronounced like a gruff bark.

Rot'zo Narr'Oma! Rot'zo's heavy mother! An exclamation of surprise that some find crude.

Rouf'uriketi- Someone who is prideful and lazy.

Ran'raugh- Poo eater

Restephus Udu- Wicked heart

Skao'udu- Ice heart. A way to say that someone is cold or heartless.

Ibo- Idiot or moron.

Uriketi- Without shame. Someone prideful.

Ya-Ya-Dummy. A more lighthearted term than calling someone an ibo. (idiot)


Le'wael- Half clan. A dog with mixed heritage.

Flopper-A fish, particularly one that hasn't died yet.

Taken- Short for 'taken by shadows'. Means that a dog has gone missing.

Snags- Dog catchers.

Pull- To go and scavenge. 'We need someone to go into the city and pull for some blankets'

Rahani'hu is shedding her fur!- The season is changing. Other common usage migh be "Rahani is growing a winter coat" or "Rahani is shedding early this year!" etc.

Rahani'hu Lendri- Rahani'hu is white. Winter time.

Rahani'huda Mirahu - Rahani'hu has flowers in her fur. Spring time.

Rahani'hu Jama- Rahani'hu is red. Autumn.

Rahani'hu Fua- Rahani'hu is green. Summer.

Rumm pell fli u'canna!- A commonly used 'good luck' phrase for hunting dogs. Literally means "Bring home birds you dog!"

U'less Imi Ramajai!- Your strongest skill is mischief!

Nu kef, u'canna!- Ears up, you dogs! Used to say "listen up!"

Telling age- A dog will count his or her age based on how many times their birth season has passed. If they were born in the summer, then they will say for example that they are four summers. If they were born in the winter eight years ago they would be eight winters.